Getting to Know Elisa Ray

Dedra Hughes talks with REALTOR® Elisa Ray in today’s live video. Elisa has unique specialties and she shares them with you.
Here’s the transcript.

You can watch the full video at the bottom of the page.

Elisa Ray Real Estate Agent Valdosta

Hi, I’m Dedra Hughes with Mercer Hughes Real Estate Group, and I’m here today with Elisa Ray, one of the agents at our office. I’d like for you to get to know her, some special things about her. But Elisa, you’ve been in real estate for a while now. Why don’t you tell us, what is some of your favorite things about what you do here?


Well, one of my favorite things is that I’m not sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day. Every day is different. I help my clients in different times of the day, showing houses or listing properties. There’s just unique situations, and I’m able to do that with more flexibility than just sitting from nine to five.


I like that about it too. It gives us the opportunity to meet the needs of every client. One of the things that I love about what you do every day is you love to be involved with the community. I know you’re really big at the Valdosta Board of Realtors in your position there, but you and your husband Tony, who is a retired Chief Master Sergeant, have just joined another organization that serves our community. And I’d like to hear a little bit about that.


Yes, That Others May Live Foundation. It is specifically focusing on helping the rescue community, which he served for over 25 years. And now it feels just right to help back. And the programs include scholarships, it includes assistance, immediate assistance when there’s a tragedy and things just like that that will help back with this community.


I love that. I love That Others May Live. If you’re interested in helping with some of those programs, why don’t you reach out to Elisa here and she can get you connected. The other thing that is very unique about Elisa is that she’s bilingual. And I’d like for her to tell you why that is important in real estate.


Well, first of all, the contracts, as they are in English, they can be complex. So when you’re adding that Spanish is a little bit also complex. So it’s easier for me to explain in real time a person with what does the contract include? What are you signing? Specifically? What are the processes in buying a home for the first time?


Why don’t you tell the community that in your second language, why it’s important? Whether you need a bilingual agent or not, we’d love for you to reach out to Elisa Ray here, Mercer Hughes Real Estate Group. We’re very specific to the needs of our clients. Give us a call. Let us help you reach your real estate goals.

Final Conclusion:

If you are needing a multi lingual REALTOR that can explain the contracts or steps to buying a house, call on Elisa Ray!